What is your Truth? Holy Spirit inspired or a false narrative Man had taught you?
The “truth” you know!! Is it based on the foundational Truth of the Word of God, or is it something that was taught to you by a Man, who could indeed be teaching a wrong, false narrative! 🤔 Example: Google search 🔍 the word apocalypse…says the complete final destruction of the World. An event involving destruction; damage on a catastrophic scale. Webster Dictionary apocalypse meaning to disclose; prophetic disclosure; revelation. Disclose: uncover; to bring into the open, to reveal which means to make known, something hidden; secret Hmm 🤔 two very different narratives. Could it be satan pushes the false narrative apocalypse through false teachers, Google, “AI” to keep the world deceived on what, the Book of Revelation, rapture, end times is really all about?? I believe. The Day of the Lord is at Hand…Second Advent…Friends, this is not a Rescue Mission. Matthew 24:29-41 the BIBLE says it is like the days of Noah, one will be left and one taken...