It's Time for the Harvest. I the LORD God am bringing the Harvest of seeds sown. Good or evil the harvest has come!
DO NOT FEAR anything, for I AM with you; DO NOT BE AFRAID, for I AM your GOD. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with MY Righteous right hand, a hand of justice, of Power, of victory, of salvation. Isaiah 41:10
Do not fear; for what you are about to see, I the Lord God am about to disclose all of the hidden evil and lies that have been covered in the dark for many years. I the Lord God will reveal it all, for it has not been hidden from My eyes for I have seen it all. I the Lord God will remove the wickedness and guilt of this land in a single day. Zechariah 3:9
What evil you may ask? such evil your mind, your eyes have never seen. For by My Spirit, I will bring out the plumb line, the measuring scales. to weigh all the evil in this land. For the Nations are about to see Me as the Lord God of the Harvest, first the harvest of lies and deceit. It is time to choose which side you are really on, Good or evil. For the harvest all Good and all evil will be weighed. For you shall see the apocalypse as in Revelation, but not in the way it has been taught, for the greek word apokalupsis means to bring revelation, disclose truth. Disclosure is the process of making facts or information known to the public.
The 4 horses of Apocalypses are My Seals, My Lamb, King Jesus revealing the truth, White Horse bringing Victory to your land, Red Horse "purity" yes, a purifying Fire from the sky revealing what the shedding of innocent blood was really use in satanic rituals, sacrificing humans, human trafficking My Children. Black Horse scale of balance, exposing the evil world system of financial bondage, scoring and rating My Children. Also, the wrong teaching in the religious church walls. Eze 34. Green Horse revealing the truth of big pharma, vaccines, plagues pestilence as in Revelation 18 greek work pharmakeia meaning drugs medicine.
The purpose of disclosure is to make available; evidence which either supports or undermines the respective parties case. My "PARTY" the one I elected, I anointed for such a time as this, My Cyrus, Donald John Trump is My Anointed, as I have said in My Word touch not my anointed, for He is the apple of My eye, anyone who touches him, who speaks against him, touches Me. Repent Now so you can be Free.
What is about to be disclosed and revealed; is the harvest wicked ones have sown, so therefore the "angel death reaper" has come to bring the harvest for all the evil they have sown. They will know Me as the LORD God of the Harvest.
DO NOT FEAR, My Children! Trust Me, Choose to Know Me as God your Father, a loving Father who only desires good for His Children. For I am about to set My Children free as in the days of Moses. My Children will know the Perfected Eden life, for I will avenge My Son for all He endured for My Children, everything He endured in hell. For My Children will live the redeemed life He purchased for each one of you. You will reign in this Kingdom Millennial Age as Kings in this earth.
Good Harvest will be Days of Heaven on earth. Christ in You my Anointed ONES. You will know My Resurrection power as in the days of St Patrick, you will know the Trinity, the Three in One. You will know Me by Name! Just as spoken by the prophet Isaiah 26:19 you will see in the earth Righteous Resurrected Saints of all ages.
You will create the life you desire with the Word of God in your Mouth. You will speak to anything that pertains to the curse, you will speak My Name, and watch with your own eyes the curse turned in the blessing, as Jesus turned water into wine, as He spoke to the wind and waves and Peace came to the storm. You will anoint with Oil (Taher) people will be cleanse; your blood will as clean as the Blood of Jesus. You will speak to water and healing fresh water will come, the animal kingdom will be free again, no more will animals attack and harm each other. You will be the prophet of your Life and You will have what you say, so choose your words wisely, say what I say. habitually study My Word so My Spirit and My Truth will reveal to you Who I Am and What you have in Me.
Get Ready... I Am revealing Truth, the whole truth and nothing but Truth. Faith is simply taking Me at My Word. Make My Word your Truth, so that your Life will be excellent, perfected Life that Jesus accomplished for you. So DO NOT FEAR The GREAT I AM IS WITH YOU!
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