It's Time for the Harvest. I the LORD God am bringing the Harvest of seeds sown. Good or evil the harvest has come!
DO NOT FEAR anything, for I AM with you; DO NOT BE AFRAID, for I AM your GOD. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with MY Righteous right hand, a hand of justice, of Power, of victory, of salvation. Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear; for what you are about to see, I the Lord God am about to disclose all of the hidden evil and lies that have been covered in the dark for many years. I the Lord God will reveal it all, for it has not been hidden from My eyes for I have seen it all. I the Lord God will remove the wickedness and guilt of this land in a single day. Zechariah 3:9 What evil you may ask? such evil your mind, your eyes have never seen. For by My Spirit, I will bring out the plumb line, the measuring scales. to weigh all the evil in this land. For the Nations are about to see Me as the Lord God of the Harvest, first the harvest of lies and deceit. It is time to choose which side you are really on, Good or evil. For the harvest all...