King Jesus glorified in this Earth as He is in Heaven!
The Father started revealing this Revelation back in 2006.
However in 2020 is when my eyes were really opened to the church has failed to truly live the Victorious Life Jesus accomplished for us to live. So many “Word of Faith” ministries showed their true colors, when the fear of Covid swept this Nation, they bowed to government and masked up, vaxxed up instead to practicing what they preached they succumbed to defeat and the lies and tricks of satan.
2020 is when I realized my thesis, my calling, the Father’s dream He put in my heart to carry. It’s what I was created for. To educate, bring Revelation to this world. Spirit and Truth. Glorifying King Jesus!
“King David went in, took his place before God, and prayed: “Who am I, my Master God, and what is my family, that you have brought me to this place in life? But that’s nothing compared to what’s coming, for you’ve also spoken of my family far into the future, given me a glimpse into tomorrow, my Master God! What can I possibly say in the face of all this? You know me, Master God, just as I am. You’ve done all this not because of who I am but because of who you are—out of your very heart!—but you’ve let me in on it. “This is what makes you so great, Master God! There is none like you, no God but you, nothing to compare with what we’ve heard with our own ears. And who is like your people, like Israel, a nation unique in the earth, whom God set out to redeem for himself (and became most famous for it), performing great and fearsome acts, throwing out nations and their gods left and right as you saved your people from Egypt? You established for yourself a people—your very own Israel!—your people permanently. And you, God, became their God. “So now, great God, this word that you have spoken to me and my family, guarantee it permanently! Do exactly what you’ve promised! Then your reputation will flourish always as people exclaim, ‘The God-of-the-Angel-Armies is God over Israel!’ And the house of your servant David will remain sure and solid in your watchful presence. For you, God-of-the-Angel-Armies, Israel’s God, told me plainly, ‘I will build you a house.’ That’s how I was able to find the courage to pray this prayer to you. “And now, Master God, being the God you are, speaking sure words as you do, and having just said this wonderful thing to me, please, just one more thing: Bless my family; keep your eye on them always. You’ve already as much as said that you would, Master God! Oh, may your blessing be on my family permanently!””
2 Samuel 7:18-29 MSG
The Father’s Heart…Revealed in and through me!
Such as King Jesus reigning in this earth, the 1000 year reign, King Jesus living in the earth and King Jesus reigning with His Body; In and through us, for He is returning for a Glorious Church one that the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against. A Victorious Church, going back to the Original Intent God the Father, created us for us to Live on earth as it is in Heaven. Body of Christ who not only know who they are but the authority we have in Him. Living the Perfected Eden Life.
As satan watches “bound”by the Word of God and in the Precious Name of King Jesus.
It’s the Millennial Reign of Christ.
In other words to live a life, so Kingdom minded that we know without a doubt, if it does not take place in Heaven, it cannot be in our Life in this earth.
Lastly the word apocalypse doesn’t mean “end of the World” means in the Greek “apocalypses” to uncover and unveil or to make know that which is hidden.
Pastors who preach “end times” are being led by satan, to stop the Will of God, the purpose of God, His Kingdom Reign; in an attempt to cover hidden sin.
To pray “Come Lord Jesus, come”is to belittle what Jesus accomplished for us through the cross, going to hell and defeating satan at that moment and giving us the authority to reign as Kings in this earth and to keep satan in his hell bound defeat!!
We “His Body”are already supposed to be living this in this earth.
But sadly because of wrong religious teaching have been living a defeated life, allowing, by our own lack of knowledge and ignorance , and the very Words from our own mouth stay in a defeated mindset instead of a Victorious One!
King Jesus will be Glorified on this earth, through a reigning Triumphant Glorious Church!!
King Jesus will be exalted in this earth and He will return for a Glorious Church.
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