A Nation Born in a Day!!!
A Nation is a group of People that speak the same Language! The Lord God gave me this verse several years ago Ezekiel 37:22 and I will make them ONE Nation, no longer two nations and will no longer be divided between two kingdoms.
For years I have stood and believed this verse as a promise for me and my Family. We become One Nation under God, a Family who speaks the same language. Last year I went to Florida for my natural Job, I stayed with Friends/Family while flying back and forth to my Family in Ohio. This past year has been a life changer for me. My relationship with the Father, with Jesus and with the Holy Spirit has risen to a new level.
Living out the verse Phil 1:21 for Me to life is Christ and to die is gain. The Father teaching me about clean/unclean spirits recognizing that when I feel strife or irritation towards someone, it is not the "person" it is an unclean spirit attempting to get me out of the Fruits of the Spirit Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Faithfulness Gentleness Goodness and Self Control.. Read Galatians 5 you can study the Fruits of an unclean spirit as well. However Christ in me recognizes where the spirit is coming from. This revelation has become truly an eye opening truth. When I recognize the enemy is behind the person manifesting offense, is to move me out of my position in Christ because the truth is if I get offended. I will not have authority over all power of the enemy because an offended spirit cannot cast out an unclean spirit. because it has no power, and it leaves us powerless. satan cannot cast out satan. Offense is a fruit of satans spirit, Not Jesus' spirit.
So this past year revelation knowledge has been pouring into me about who God is really is, and even more who I am in Christ, the fullness of Jesus in Me the hope of Glory. For years I have had a passion for ministry and what God created me for, My Purpose in this life. you see before the foundation of the world God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit sat down and called me by Name and wrote out my Life, My thesis, the plans They had for me. My responsibility is to develop my relationship with the Awesome Three in One so They will keep me on the path, the plans for the Good Life, God planned for me. So over the years through His Word, My Father has given me verses and pieces of my Story, My Thesis, regarding the Millennial Reign, King-Doll Triumphant Church Ministry, Jesus and everything He accomplished for me, and essential oils, the Garden of Eden life, Living in earth as it is in Heaven. the whole Salvation Package. Perfect Health, Perfect Prosperity. Power of the Name of Jesus and applying the Blood of Jesus, Power of My Tongue, Conscience Language.
While listening to one of my favorite Prophets Robin D Bullock He was talking about the Hebrew Calendar. There is a Math equation to it. Anyway after listening to him. I thought I am going to do the Math and figure out my Thesis. Which lead me to Psalm 72 and Psalm 89 both of which list out the things I mentioned above; One verse leading to another verse in the Bible it was like the Father was connecting all the dots, revealing to me, My Story, My Thesis. It was truly amazing how Only God could connect everything together. Even Connecting my Husband, My Children and their families together. My Grandbabies, Oh the Joy of speaking the Word of GOD and Praying their Psalm (their Thesis) and other verses over each one of my Family Members.
This past year has been amazing to me, in a year of what looks like so much anti Christ agenda and evil plans. God the Father, the Lord God is working behind the scenes for bring the Greatest Millennial Reign, The Triumphant Church Body of Christ walking in the Fullness of all the Father planned for this earth to live the Good Life. He already prearranged and will bring to the fullest; Perfect Life on the Earth. Truly Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all mankind.
You see God the Father didn't allow Jesus to endure all He went through on the Cross and in hell for His Family to live a life of hell on earth, this Life for all mankind is suppose to be Heaven on earth in other words if it doesn't take place in Heaven it is not supposed to be in our lives, to every person who makes the ultimate choice to make Jesus Lord of there life, they can take the Word of God the BIBLE and claim every Promise in the Word that belongs to them, Jesus is presenting a glorious Church His Body, a Body who knows who they are in HIM, If the Head of the Body (Jesus) is Healthy and Perfect Health then the Body should be, if the Head is Rich then the Body should be. The choice of the life you choose to live on this earth is up to YOU.
Lastly I would like to mention, Yes I 100% believe Trump is President of the USA and He will take his rightful place, When?? He takes that place will be once the LORD GOD reveals all the lies, the evil agenda; exposing all truth, the whole truth and nothing but truth, every evil law that has been passed that goes against the truth of the Word of God shall be overturn, in the Supreme Court, and in the Nations. Every lie shall be uncovered about vaccinations and the poison that is in every shot injected in children, families; the truth about vitamin K given at birth that causes leukemia in children, autism, allergies, ear infections, the list goes on and on. the truth about covid 19, that the Flu shot of 2019 is what brought the " man made, bio weapon virus" into our Nation and into our homes. That the vaccines have sars, mrna, and aids in the vials injected into people, and that the fraud administration is telling you to inject into your Bodies and only when the Truth of the Word of God has brought more Revelation Knowledge in our Lives.. the Word says My People are destroyed for lack of Knowledge...The Word has to carry more weight than the lies of Drs, Scientists, News Media and Social Media and ALL of these lies will be completely exposed by the Lord God. and the Body of Christ "TRUE BELIEVERS" who take God at His Word, and truly believe Mark 16:15-20. who Speak the Word over their Families, if they drink anything deadly (inject any deadly substances into their body) it shall not harm them. They Cleanse their Blood with the Power of the Name of Jesus, the word of their testimony, Use God's natural resources to build up their immunity, cleansing the Blood with Essential Oils with life giving plants, blood cleansing, chelating agents for metallic, chemicals, toxins out of the body with detoxing agents that God created for such a time as this.
If Trump would have been declared President of the 2020 election back on November 3 2020, and Pence would have declared the election a fraud back on January 6th 2021 then all the lies regarding sex trafficking, vaccines, election fraud, abortions, evil agendas would not be exposed.
So as I continue to abide with my Father, with Jesus and with Holy Spirit and They continue to speak to me inside my Spirit and through His Word. Revealing Revelation Knowledge on Truth of My Thesis and what I was created for, Friends God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has a Purpose and Plan a Thesis written for you as well, Start by confessing Jesus as Lord of your Life and begin asking Him to reveal you Thesis to you, Trust Me Friend He will do it.
The Father instructed me to type this up and share so that when He reveals this "Truth" when it happens they will know I revealed it to you. So I am typing this to be obedient of what My Father has told me.
Let Him reveal Himself to you today. I promise you this abiding Life with the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit will be the best decision you have ever made. For it is truly Life Changing!!!
So get Ready we are about to see a Godly Nation born in a Day....for the Best is yet to come.
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