In God we Trust...
So being raised in church all my life, Most all of the churches I attended, took up the Tithe every week. You know the Malachi chapter 3 scenario. Bring your tithe a tenth of your income and the Lord promised to pour out the windows of Heaven and pour out for you a blessing, there is not room enough to receive it., and that He would keep the devour away. In other other He would stand between you and the enemy and not let the enemy steal, kill and destroy. See John 10:10.
Sounds Awesome doesn't it?. However throughout my life I didn't really see the results of this promise fulfilled. Sure we would hear the testimony from time to time how God provided here and there. But in most of the churches, I wasn't seeing the windows of Heaven pouring out blessing, and I would still see the evidence of the enemy kill, stealing and destroying in families in our local church Body.
I began to question and ask the Father about this, Not in a disrespectful way but In a way of Father this is what your Word says, but I'm not seeing the evidence of this in the lives of the Believers., of course studied verses seeking to find the answer, and here is what the Father revealed to me regarding the Tithe.
You see we read verses 8-11, telling the Church not to rob God, making people think "well I have to give my tithe because I cannot rob God." Okay Now Father here I'm not robbing you, open up the windows pour out my blessing, then Monday comes and so does the devourer. Leaving us in doubt that God is faithful to His Word. So we are left with the tenth of our income 'gone like the wind" in the offering plate. and the car with a flat tire, AC breaks down. and Financial Pressure weighing heavy in our Homes. and our Faith being tried. only to do this same routine week after week....Oh so exhausting!!!
Well Body of Christ allow me to shed more "Light" on this chapter. Empowering you to ask yourself, Am I the issue; not God? could the problem be right under your NOSE...Well lets read verses 12-15
Malachi 3:12-15Amplified Bible
12 “All nations shall call you happy and blessed, for you shall be a land of delight,” says the Lord of hosts.
13 “Your words have been harsh against Me,” says the Lord. “But you say, ‘What have we spoken against You?’ 14 You have said, ‘It is useless to serve God. What profit is it if we keep His ordinances, and walk around like mourners before the Lord of hosts? 15 So now we call the arrogant happy and blessed. Evildoers are exalted and prosper; and when they test God, they escape [unpunished].’
Going to focus on verse 13....Our WORDS from OUR mouth have been harsh against GOD? SAY WHAT?! We have spoken against the Father, and your probably thinking the same thing, How have I spoken against God? Well let me enlighten you, On Sunday Morning your raising your hands worshipping God, Saying I trust you God, In God We Trust....Then Monday standing around the water cooler at work, conversating with co workers, Say things like....
"well if figures I had a flat tire on my way to work"
"if its not one thing it's another"
"I can't afford that"
"i have to wait til payday"
Living Pay check to pay check
"Telling the Kids no not today we don't have the money for that"
Do any of these things sound like statements you say on a daily weekly basis? Well that my Friends is talking harsh against the Father, James says a double minded man, should not expect to receive anything from God. You see you choose to speak Life on Sunday and then Mon-Sat, we speak death, the curse, speaking lack until the next payday.
All the while looking at our Co workers, who more than likely making the same amount of money and yet they are driving new cars and living in nice houses, acting like they don't have a care in the world. and We're supposed to be Light in darkness to them, Glorifying King Jesus and Him Shining so much in me and they want what I have. Instead I look more broke than they do and the only difference in me is I have "fire insurance" my ticket out of hell. When Christ in me Hope of Glory. As Jesus was so am I in the earth. Seems so far from truth in my Life!! Body of Christ it's time for Us to get Revelation Knowledge of what it really means to be AS HE WAS SO ARE WE IN THIS EARTH. We have to be like Jesus, JESUS NEVER SPOKE THE PROBLEM HE SPOKE THE DESIRED RESULTS. Jesus never spoke Lack, He simply Thanked the Father for what He had in His Hands and what He had in His hand was MORE THAN ENOUGH. Jesus knew the POWER OF HIS SPOKEN WORD. He did what the Father told Him to Do and Said only what the Father said.
The Awesome thing is we don't have to feel condemnation, we simply get our Mouth into divine alignment with the Father, and His Word. God's Grace and our Faith has us covered.
I am empowering you to Choose to speak Life over your Tithe, Your Money, your paycheck. Watch the Father back His Word with the evidence of opening the windows of Heaven and pouring out a Blessing until there's no room to receive it; as well as keeping the devourer away. Let's stop doubting God and His Word and start doubting the lies of the enemy about debt and lack.
When the pressure of "not enough" comes upon you, Speak out Loud Thank You Jesus because I pay my tithe, YOU promise keep the devourer away and I choose to say "In God I trust" and Thank You, that YOU opened the windows of Heaven for me in every area of my Life. Thank You Jesus that there is No Lack in Heaven, so because I am a citizen of Heaven there is no lack in my Life. Thank You Jesus I trust You and Your Word.
Faith is simply taking God at His Word!!!
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