Body of Christ!! What Church do you attend?
Believers are seated with Christ in the heavenly places, far above all powers and principalities of darkness. No demon can deter the Believer who is seated with Christ far above all the works of the enemy! Our seating and reigning with Christ in Heavenly places is a position of authority, honor and triumph-not failure depression and defeat, (sickness, death, debt and lack)
Since the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has the triumph and victory over the devil and his cohorts in every encounter. why does it seem so many believers are subject to satan and his deceptions?
Whether or not believers are victorious over the devil depends on what view they have of themselves as a church- Militant, defeated, or Triumphant. It all depends on how well they understand their position in Christ.
Militant Church depicts a body of believers who are
not yet seated in heavenly places in Christ and are still “battling” to try to
gain victory over an enemy that hasn't been defeated yet by the Lord Jesus
The Defeated church also gives us a picture of a
church which is ignorant of the fact they are seated with Christ and that they
are suppose to be reigning in life through Jesus Christ. Because they are
ignorant of their position in Christ or they've never used the authority they
really possess, these believers are constantly ravaged by the wiles of satan
and are in a state of continual failure and defeat.
THE TRIUMPHANT CHURCH is a biblical perspective of the body of Christ
seated with Christ in heavenly places far above all powers and principalities.
The Triumphant Church scripturally portrays a body of believers who not only
know but also exercise their authority in Christ and therefore reign
victoriously in life through Jesus Christ over satan, a defeated foe.
(The Triumphant Church Kenneth E Hagin.)
I was born and raised in a Christian home, attended church almost all of my life. Looking back now at most of the churches I attended I would have to say it was the defeated church, basically the Pastor/Shepherd (Eze 34) didn't know his/her identity so therefore they couldn't lead their flock into their identity, they didn't have revelation knowledge of what I am about to share with you. It wasn't until I stopped attending church for awhile, and began to seek to know the Father's heart (My Papa) who and what Jesus, and Holy Spirit were to me. You see Holy Spirit is the fire and power of the finished work of everything Jesus went to hell for all of humanity. On avg most churches believe that God is in control and anything that happens good or bad is God allowing it to happen, my discovery of the Word of God gave me so much more revelation of all the Father (Papa), Jesus and Holy Spirit and who they really are.
I empower you to have a "quickened understanding" of what I am about to share. Holy Spirit use me to demonstrate and bring revelation knowledge to any and every person who reads this. This year 2020, I have seen the "church" acting just like the world, locking themselves into their houses, wearing masks, full of fear, that a virus" a plague would bring sickness and death to their families. Churches who are quick to point the finger of scorn on "sinners"... you know the evident sins; addiction, sexual perversion, etc and yet while trying to take the speck out of their neighbors eye, refuse to see the log in their own. Matthew 7:1-6. All the while sinning themselves by being afraid of sickness and disease. Pointing at the Gay Pride flags, the Black lives matter flags, and then turning around. wearing their cancer awareness, their autism awareness, suicide (mental disease) awareness t-shirts. SERIOUSLY CHURCH!!! just as much as Jesus died and went hell for the "sinner" King Jesus took every sickness, every disease to hell.(Isaiah 53:3-4) Churches that hang up signs on the nursery door, if your child is sick and has a fever don't bring them into church. Churches body of Believers who have disability ministries. Where?? show me where do so called Believers get this way of thinking?! what verses in the Bible are they basing this kind of Belief System well I call "BS" its the wrong belief system!!!
Show me in scripture where does it say to make people aware of sickness. If Jesus carried "disease" to hell, why in this earth would we make anyone aware of it. The Church Body of Christ should be like "Jesus Awareness" what He went to hell for. Please hear my heart in this, I am not saying any of this to bring the spirit of offense, strife, or condemnation. Those are all demonic spirits from hell which should not ever be tolerated in the church, the Body of Christ. James 3:16.
Did you ever see Jesus in offense and Strife? as a matter of fact, Matthew 16:13-23 Peter got into offense and Jesus actually turn to him and said get thee behind me satan? Say What??!! Jesus recognizes immediately that Peter is allowing the spirit of offense have place in his life, and takes authority over the demonic spirit. Church, Body of Christ do you realize that when we get offended, when we sin (which sin is basically unbelief, you’re sinning by believing the lies of the enemy, the spirits of lies and deception through Drs, media, weather men, over the truth of the Word of God.
I empower you to take time out of your busy schedules and read Matthew Mark Luke John and Acts! WWJD Church! Jesus laid hands on the sick and they were healed. The times He didn't heal them all. was when He Himself couldn't heal...That's Right that's what I said JESUS COULD NOT Heal all of them because of the Unbelief, THE WORD OF GOD SAYS Jesus Could Not, not He "CHOSE NOT" it says" He Could Not Heal because of the unbelief. Again I am empowering you not to become offended, remember offense is allowing demonic spirits to work through you.
In Matthew 10, Mark 16, Luke 10 and John 12 Jesus commissioned the Disciples, The Day You became a Christian, You Confessed with your Mouth Jesus is Lord you became a disciple of Jesus, a follower of Jesus, In other words you were commissioned to do the things and Greater things than Jesus did. As Jesus was in this earth so ARE YOU, CHRIST IN YOU the hope of Glory. What is Glory? it is the Goodness of God a Loving Father pouring out on His people.
Stop belittling my Jesus and what He went to hell for; the Body of Christ to have, by carrying anything that pertains to the curse, in your life or your family lives you belittle what Jesus did through and on the Cross; in Hell and then His Victory!
John 10:10 the enemy comes to kill steal and destroy, JESUS came that You and Your Family might have life and enjoy life more abundantly. No where in that verse does it say, Jesus brings destruction.
Jesus gave zero reaction to the enemy, He only responded to the Father! Jesus never spoke the problem (He didn't talk about the sickness, the lack, the darkness, the storm, or sin. He didn’t point out the sins of a person) Jesus spoke the Word Only!! Jesus was light and everywhere He went His Light, exposed the darkness, In His Life He always went about doing good and to expose the demonic religious spirits, the “Oh ye of little Faith” way of thinking, Jesus went about doing good and destroyed the works of the devil, He healed sickness, He healed disabilities.
Que the Father (My Papa)---- the Bible says in Matthew if we being fleshy parents, seek only good for our children, How Much More does the Father only seek good for His children. If ever you question; if a circumstance in your life, and where did it come from?, ask yourself. Would I put this sickness or pain, distress on my Kids, My Family My Friends?? of course not.... well Jesus, the Father or Holy Spirit doesn’t do that either.
For God so Loved the world He sent Jesus. Adam gave his “Genesis Charge”authority to satan in the garden, he should have rose up in his Spiritual Authority, protected his wife from the harm. I truly belief this is why the church today as a whole have more women in church than Spiritual Men, because Adam didn’t stand up in his authority. When Adam (not God) allowed the enemy in His Garden. God had made Man to have dominion over all the earth, to speak and create like He did. but when Adam handed over his authority, satan became the god of this earth, so the statement that churches across our nation say all the time, GOD IS IN CONTROL that my Friend is not truth. Yes God could wipe out the whole earth like He did in the days of Noah, however remember the sign of the rainbow, God's promised that He would not ever destroys the earth again.
Pause for one moment; it's just like satan the god of this earth to take a sign from God that means ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD ARE YES AND AMEN, and pervert it as a symbol with man and woman with woman...when the truth is God told us to have dominion and be fruitful and multiply. Science even says a woman and woman, man and man there is absolutely no way they can reproduce. Don't let lies of the enemy deceive you into believing it's okay.
Read Romans 1 and 2 Cor 10:5 it says they exchange the truth of the Word of God for a lie, and we are to take every lie that exalts itself over the true knowledge of God and bring it into the obedience of Christ.
Also to be liberal minded voting anyone into office that supports the killing of innocent babies up to full term, even newborns. is making a choice to take the blood of innocent babies in your own hands. And to place your vote of anyone who supports that evil, You are agreeing and supporting evil.
Even if you have had an abortion, the minute you ask forgiveness the Grace of the Blood of Jesus covers you and your sin is remembered no more. Now you can take that tragedy and be a voice to speak the truth and love on someone else who has done the same, even possibly empower someone to reconsider their choice. Your voice might change a vote and save the lives of thousands of babies.
So God came up with the plan to send Jesus to get the authority back for all of the believers; that we might have our Garden of Eden life on this earth, Jesus came that we might have days of Heaven on earth. We all know the verse... Your Kingdom come Your Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven...Is there sickness, death, lack, sorrow, addiction, sexual perversion, Abortion in Heaven...NO THERE IS NOT, so Church is not supposed to be any of that in our lives here on earth. We are not supposed to tolerate anything in our lives that would not be in heaven. Jesus didn't come into the world for Himself He came to defeat the works of the enemy and He sat down at the right hand of the Father, to watch His ALREADY DONE FINISHED WORK in the lives of everyone who confesses Jesus as Lord.
And Now HOLY SPIRIT, Holy Spirit is where the Fire and Power is at. He's that inner voice, that is inside of you, when you feel compelled to show love or compassion for someone, the desire to help someone in need, to look a homeless person and desire to pay it forward, or to see a sick child and desire to pray and ask God to heal. The truth is Holy Spirit desires to use you to tap into that Power to bring victory in this world. Holy Spirit has to have your permission to flow through you so He can bring the Kingdom of God to the situation. He comes inside you the minute you confess Jesus as Lord, until you start to really listen to His inner voice, and say Here I am Lord; Send me. Use Me. Let Resurrection Power flow through me, He will remain quiet in your Spirit. Instead of tapping into the power the church stands back in weakness and tell lies to this hurting world, God called your loved one home, because he wanted His angel back, God is teaching you something. LIES LIES LIES!!! I call wrong thinking BS!!
All throughout the Bible, God Chose a Man or Woman to bring His Will and His Word to this earth. He used Noah, Moses, Joseph, David, Abraham, Esther, Deborah, Rahab, Elijah, The 3 Furnace Guys, Jonah, Peter, Paul and the list goes on and on. What if all these men and women of Faith would have stood back and said Well God is in control, just prayed and begged God to do something. They would have missed the opportunity for God to use His Power through them. Jesus is a perfect example of a Man, a human being, who chose to be sent into the earth, to defeat the“god of this world” and to destroy all of his work.
So Jesus did it, Now it's up to the Church the BODY OF CHRIST to rise up in our authority and bring light and expose darkness, all of the darkness, any and everything that is part of the curse. We owe this world an encounter with the Jesus and have all of His finished work; seen in every person who has confessed Jesus as Lord!
Ready you ready...Body of Christ Arise! Jesus is coming for a Glorious Church!
That is what our Ministry is all about...revealing this truth to every church across this Nation!
King-Doll Triumphant Church Ministry coming to a church near you!!! Are You Ready to be like Jesus in this Earth and Destroy the works of the enemy an already defeated foe... and Become a Triumphant Church for King Jesus!!!!
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