Days of Heaven on Earth
A lot of people when they read the Bible, read the countless stories of David and Goliath, Daniel and the lions den Joshua and the Wall of Jericho...and these two stories and think “Awe what a good stories” but don’t think for a minute they could receive victory like that in their own life. I mean that was the Bible it’s a story book. I could never get that kind of breakthrough or victory in my life. And that limited thinking keeps us in bondage. They will take Verses like God gives and takes away, there’s a time to be born and a time to died. Do you know that both those verses, God didn't say that!!! Job in a time of trial that he brought on himself with fear and the words of his mouth. Job said He gives and takes away, then someone who has gone through rough times in his life probably no doubt brought on by words he had spoken. Then writes a “Church Song” Blessed be the name of the Lord who gives and takes away” then churches across the nation sing them in church thinking what a good song Blessed be the name of the Lord the first line is awesome truth of the word however the second line He gives and takes away! That’s not God, God does not give us something then take it away! Do you know that Job when he said that he was questioning God in a disrespectful manner, but in the last couple chapters in the book of Job, Job repents of his WORDS and is restored everything the enemy had stolen from him?
Solomon the wisest man in the Bible was in a backslidden state of mind when he said time to be born and a time to die. Then Pastors because they don’t have revelation knowledge; preach verses like that and lead the Church into wrong build up a belief system and confuse the church because they don’t know who they are in Christ, they don’t teach righteousness, that are only sin is lack of faith and trust in God, and that satan has already been defeated he’s already under our feet. And therefore the Body of Christ lives everyday defeat, sick, broke and no different than the world with all their problems in life. No wonder people don’t want saved they see no reason why would they want what Christians have? The Church as a whole is not walking in Jesus and His FINISHED work!
So just because it’s in the Bible doesn’t mean God said it, the Bible has men and women who are just like us wanting and desiring a relationship with the Father and being molded into who God created them to be.
Just because it’s a praise song doesn’t mean it’s a Good Faith Filled Word Song. Check the song in your Spirit, as you begin to study and seek God First in your life the Holy Spirit will Reveal to you what’s truth.
Pastors in churches teach God allows these things to build character in us. But the truth is when God made the Garden with nothing pertaining to the curse, Adam not God handed his dominion, his creative power over to Lucifer, you see Lucifer was the most beautiful Angel in all of Heaven the best praise and worship leader, I believe God sent Lucifer into the garden to minister to Adam and Eve he probably even had great times of worship with them, but he began to see the Father and how He loved Man and gave him the best of everything, He gave them power and authority and Lucifer saw this and thought who is this Man that the Father is mindful of him and because he was on earth not in heaven, he took possession of a snake body and deceived Adam into handing over his God given Authority. Then Man not God turned a highly respected worshipping angel into satan who at that moment became the god of this world. And because God cannot lie, it’s impossible for God to lie,He had to get the authority back, however God can’t illegally enter into this earth He has to have a “Body” so throughout the Bible he used men like Noah, Abraham, Jonah, David, Jesus, Peter, Paul. But Jesus God’s own Son came into this earth legally allowed to be here, because He came through Mary, died on the cross, went to hell and took back the Authority lost in the garden and then handed it back over to the Church the BODY of Christ. Legally we are that Body in this earth we have the authority to do the greater works Jesus did, we have all power and authority over all the power of the enemy. We have been given the power to create our miniature Heavens on earth. Until we get complete revelation knowledge of who we are and everything Jesus died for us to have, satan will continue to lie to us and say Did God really say that? he will continue to lie to us telling us God allowed those bad things he can’t be trusted knowing full well that we don’t stand up in our Blood bought Rights Jesus and if we say careless worthless words; he can and has every right to bring those negative words to pass in our lives. It’s time for the Church to know the power of their Words that we can create our Garden of Eden on this earth just like our Father did. We have the power to create the environment we live in. We have the power to use the Name of Jesus and destroy every work of the devil just like in the Book of Acts, the Body of Christ in this earth has to power to enforce God’s Word in this earth we can be the Heavenly Word Enforcement and watch satan and all of Hell be destroyed because we know who we are in Christ! No longer deceived by the lies of our already been defeated enemy. We take back all the enemy has stolen from the Body of Christ.
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