Seated in the Heavenlies with Him!
So I have been studying our Authority as a believer. That as the Body of Christ we are to take our position in Jesus and His Finished work. To enforce God’s Word which is His Will in this earth. In Luke 10:19 Jesus gave us His Body Authority to announce to the devil he cannot touch you or your family. The Blood of Jesus protects us. So we speak with authority by Faith. I was driving to work on Monday and turned off my radio and started singing 🎤 I am a conqueror, I am Victorious, I am reigning with Jesus. I am seated with Jesus in Heavenly Places with Him, with Him And the Kingdom of God is within me, I Know NO Defeat only Victory. The Kingdom of God is within me I know no defeat but His Strength and Power! Then this morning driving to work, I saw this, and snapped a pic with my Phone. No filter No photo shop. It looks to me like the Sun is the Head/Face with a Body in a seated position. You see I have spent the last 20 yrs in a defeated position, I have been battli...