Trippin over my own tongue!

In Kenneth E Hagin book The Triumphant Church He describes three different Churches. I want to focus on the Triumphant Church: is a biblical perspective of the Body of Christ seated with Christ in Heavenly  Places far above all power and principalities. The Triumphant Church scripturally portrays a body of believers who not only know but also exercise their authority in Christ and therefore reign victoriously in life through Jesus over satan a (already been) defeated foe.

All my life I have battled an enemy that has already been defeated by Jesus over 2000 yrs ago. Jesus already defeated satan, but yet daily we as Christians live a defeated, sick, broke life. Why would do such a thing? If Jesus went to hell for me to have days of heaven on earth, for me to be healthy, abundantly supplied, peace within my walls and prosperity in my house why would I live one day defeated? Jesus’ Victory is my Victory!!!

I lived a life of being emotionally ruled, unstable and offended. I tripped on my own tongue all the time, everyday all day! I would let people control my joy and happiness, not recognizing that it is not a flesh and blood battle, (Eph 6:12) so when people would say or do something I would look at the person and get upset with them, not realizing that the enemy was using a spirit of offense to get me out of my seat, my position in Christ. The enemy was trying to keep me from believing in Jesus and His finished work, everything He went to hell for, everything He paid for me to have.
Example you read in the word, by His Stripes I am healed and made whole, Jesus takes sickness out of my midst, well Mark 4:16-17 says that when we receive the word; satan comes immediately to steal that word by getting us offended. So the enemy because he is the god of this world, would throw symptoms at me, like a cough, a sneeze, sore throat. Then he sends someone along to say, are you getting sick?  you get annoyed and offended. Then instead of saying satan I see what your doing. we take the symptoms and embrace them start sayin “I feel like crap” or you keep your mouth shut but inside your irritated at the person tryin to get you to confess your sickness.
Another example you read in the Word, Wealth and Riches are in your house, I am abundantly supplied, all debts cancelled. Then immediately satan sends someone to say, we need gas, we need groceries, , the mail comes; Bills screaming at you, and you don’t get paid til Friday. Again instead of recognizing the enemy coming to steal the word, you stop confessing the Word and start confessing we are broke, I don’t have the money for that, or we will do this or that when we get paid.
Then we cry beg and complain to God “why won’t you do somethin?” Well the truth is God cannnot do anything without Faith. He needs a physical body in this earth to Speak the Word so He can bring His Word to pass. Faith is simply taking God at His Word.
 We have to always recognize the spiritual battle, we have to stay away from pride and offense, we have to speak the Word of God only!!! No matter who or what says anything that goes against Jesus and His Finished Work, anything or anyone that says something that goes against the Word of God. We must take our position in Jesus and say only what His Word says. Plead the Blood of Jesus, Speak the Word only and take our Seated Position in Christ.
Revelation 12:10-11 The Word says we overcome the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony.

Jesus never reacted to the enemy, He responded to the Father and the Word of God.

So any Promise in the Word that hasn’t come to pass in your life, don’t blame or question God, don’t blame a defeated enemy, take the blame, repent of your words your own tongue that made you trip and fall, plead the Blood over your tongue, and ask Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and revelation of the Word of God and every word you speak.
Life and Death in the power of your tongue....You have what You say! Speak Life!


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