God’s Will on “Free Will”
Faith calls those things which be not as though they were...Its always said; People have a “free will” but when you call them what the Word says they are, We exercise our God Given authority over all the power of the enemy in that persons life; therefore our Faith, the confession of God’s spoken Word in our mouth brings to pass who they are in Christ!
If they are unsaved, a Natural man has never confessed Jesus as Lord, then You can see God’s will in the Word is that not One should perish but all have eternal life. So therefore whatever you ask in Jesus Name according to God’s Will and the Word. You can say Father I know it’s Your Will that so and so should not perish so according to that promise your Kingdom come Your will be done in their life. God cannot lie so He will minister to them until they confess Him as Lord.
Or if they are Carnel living according to their flesh man, you have been given authority to say Father You began a good work You promise me to complete it. Father You see them Righteous, Redeemed from the curse, you see them set free. So according to Your Will and Your Word, give them a heart that is sensitive and responsive to Your Touch. Send Angels to minister to their Spirit Man. Continue to speak only what the Word says until you see them being led and controlled by the Holy Spirit.
If they are unsaved, a Natural man has never confessed Jesus as Lord, then You can see God’s will in the Word is that not One should perish but all have eternal life. So therefore whatever you ask in Jesus Name according to God’s Will and the Word. You can say Father I know it’s Your Will that so and so should not perish so according to that promise your Kingdom come Your will be done in their life. God cannot lie so He will minister to them until they confess Him as Lord.
Or if they are Carnel living according to their flesh man, you have been given authority to say Father You began a good work You promise me to complete it. Father You see them Righteous, Redeemed from the curse, you see them set free. So according to Your Will and Your Word, give them a heart that is sensitive and responsive to Your Touch. Send Angels to minister to their Spirit Man. Continue to speak only what the Word says until you see them being led and controlled by the Holy Spirit.
Don’t call them annoying, call them Anointed!
Don’t call them grumpy and depressed, call them full of joy; everlasting Joy is on their head.
Don’t call them an addict, call them Righteous.
Don’t call them a sinner, call them Redeemed
Don’t call them sick; call them healthy and whole.
Don’t say “terrible twos” call them quick to obey.
When we confess or speak Free Will over someone our words hold them in bondage. Free Will means the power of acting without constraint of necessity or fate.
Constraint- control that limits or restricts.
Basically they are held in constraint under the power of the enemy to limit them from the destiny the Father created them for. Before the foundation of the World the Father had them in mind and prearranged a good life, Eph 2:10 and 2 Pet 1:2-8
“For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers ofthis present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.”
Ephesians 6:12 AMPC
Matthew 16:15-23 is a perfect example of someone who knows Jesus but says things under the influence of the Holy Spirit one minute then under the influence of a demonic spirit the next. First, Peter being led by Holy Spirit says Your the Christ Son of the living God, then just a couple verses later Jesus says He must die and be resurrected and Peter says this must not be so...Jesus immediately stops Peter and says get “the behind me satan” the demonic influence speaking through Peter. Anytime someone says something that goes against Jesus and His Finished work it is a demonic influence; and we as believers have been given all authority over all the power of the enemy.
The Word in your mouth not only sets you free but sets others free! EW Kenyon
When we confess or speak Free Will over someone our words hold them in bondage. Free Will means the power of acting without constraint of necessity or fate.
Constraint- control that limits or restricts.
Fate/ Destiny the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.
Basically they are held in constraint under the power of the enemy to limit them from the destiny the Father created them for. Before the foundation of the World the Father had them in mind and prearranged a good life, Eph 2:10 and 2 Pet 1:2-8
The Word in our mouth not only sets us free but set others free! So it’s important to always speak only what the Father says about us.
“For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above--spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].”
Ephesians 6:12 AMPC
Matthew 16:15-23 is a perfect example of someone who knows Jesus but says things under the influence of the Holy Spirit one minute then under the influence of a demonic spirit the next. First, Peter being led by Holy Spirit says Your the Christ Son of the living God, then just a couple verses later Jesus says He must die and be resurrected and Peter says this must not be so...Jesus immediately stops Peter and says get “the behind me satan” the demonic influence speaking through Peter. Anytime someone says something that goes against Jesus and His Finished work it is a demonic influence; and we as believers have been given all authority over all the power of the enemy.
When we confess His Word, He watches over it to make it good but there is no action on the part of God without our confession!
Whatsoever you ask of the Father in My Name, I will give to you. Jesus has given us the legal right to use His Name which has all authority over the enemy. How fearless it makes one when he knows the Power and authority of the Name of Jesus.
Satan is the only hindering power to prayer. We can brush him aside and take our rights in the matchless Name. When a Mother knows that it is an evil spirit that has come into the child which makes it disobedient, she can drive it out in the precious Name.
When any evil habit lays hold of us, that Name brings deliverance. EW Kenyon
Jesus never spoke the problem He spoke the desired result! Charles Capps
Jesus didn’t live in reaction to the enemy; Jesus lived in response to the Father. Bill Johnson
Satan is the only hindering power to prayer. We can brush him aside and take our rights in the matchless Name. When a Mother knows that it is an evil spirit that has come into the child which makes it disobedient, she can drive it out in the precious Name.
When any evil habit lays hold of us, that Name brings deliverance. EW Kenyon
Jesus never spoke the problem He spoke the desired result! Charles Capps
Jesus didn’t live in reaction to the enemy; Jesus lived in response to the Father. Bill Johnson
Jesus didn’t ever talk about free will; He didn’t say “well Boys they have a free will, so they have to choose. Jesus always just loved people into the Kingdom!. Some might say “well yeah but Jesus never pushed Himself on anyone. But take a look at John 4 the Woman went to the Well, she didn’t go to Jesus, Jesus knew who she was and all she had done, yet he didn’t reject her because she was a Samaritan and not a Jew. He spoke Truth to her in Love and because of that; she experienced a life changing moment. When people are sinning our reaction is call them out on their sin, but truth is when someone is not, doing what’s right you don’t need tell them what they are doing wrong.They need you to build them up with the Power of the Word of God. The Word will break into pieces even the most stubborn resistance. Jer 23:29
The Lord knows I have missed it so many times in this; I try to take on the role of Holy Spirit Jr. instead of just speaking the Word; saying here is what the Word says about so and so, that’s the truth and I refuse to say anything but the Word on this matter!
It other words if You confess the Word over your loved ones, all of Heaven will go to work on that persons behalf to bring them into their created purpose. There is not one person on this earth that wasn’t created by God to fulfill His Plan For their life! Let’s start calling people who and what they are in Christ and see lives transformed for the Kingdom!
“For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure.”
I guess what I am saying is if you have been prayin, cryin and begging God to “change” someone in your life and have yet to see a change, “what have you been confessing over them”? It’s time to get into the Word and find verses, asking the Father to help you see them as He sees them. Start calling them what the Father says and what He sees; and then God Promises that He watches over His Word to perform it. He will bring the Word to pass in their life. Stop talking the problem; instead speak the desired results.
Praying asking God to do something that’s already been done is a prayer that will never be answered! We have been given power to enforce the Word of God! Creflo Dollar
If you continue to speak and talk negative over your loved ones, those negative words give the enemy authority to keep that person in bondage, but if you take the Word and say what God says; speak life and positive words, your giving authority for the Holy Spirit to have His perfect work in them, and God’s Will Be Done in their life.
As a Believer we have been given power and authority over all the enemy, we can plead the Blood, anoint things with Oil, destroying the yoke holding them in bondage. I read a book called Praying from the Heavenly Realm it said, Jesus explained to me the incredible difference a person can make on earth when they live in their authority as a child of God. He said, “For example, your area of authority extends thirty feet around you. You have developed your spirit to have authority in that geographic area. People within that perimeter will be under your spiritual influence and will encounter the power and authority in which you walk. I have men on the earth who affect whole cities with their presence.
I have personally experienced this authority by Anointing things with Oil and Pleading the Blood Of Jesus. You have authority to do the same!
I have personally experienced this authority by Anointing things with Oil and Pleading the Blood Of Jesus. You have authority to do the same!
Scripture reference Romans 4:17-25 Luke 10:2
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