Don’t focus on the waves; Focus on Jesus!!

“So [as the result of the Messiah's intervention] they shall [reverently] fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight.
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭59:19‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

Nothing gets done in this earth without; you and me! Kenneth Copeland

Holy Spirit brought some revelation to me regarding this verse. When the enemy comes in like a flood, in other words when your focusing on Jesus, your speaking the Word about a situation in your life, you’ve had an awesome time with the Father believing Him to do great things in your life.  You had a great revelation time, worship time, an “Aha God Moment” you get this peace in your Spirit knowing the Father gave you a Word in due season; then all of a sudden the enemy comes immediately to steal that Word or awesome moment from you, he sees your trusting God and praying the Word and he sees you as a threat to him and his kingdom; he can’t have you speaking the Word and it coming to pass; so that we overcome by the blood of Jesus and the Word of our testimony. So he starts sending waves to crash up against you. The next thing you know your feeling pressure and your focusing on the waves and all the chaos and you take you eyes, “your focus” off Jesus and His finished work all the Jesus provided and paid for you and your family; His righteousness which gives you all power and authority over all the power of the enemy! The enemy knows if you keep your focus on Jesus that you will receive your victory in every area of your life! So just like Peter walking on the water towards Jesus, he was totally walking on the water, his eyes were fixed on Jesus, so the enemy sent a storm; crashing waves to make Peter lose focus. The minute Peter took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the waves he began to sink, to the point Jesus had to reach out and pull Peter up out of the water! Matt 14:22-33

The part of this verse that became revelation for me is where it says the “Spirit of the Lord” will lift/raise a standard up against him. I always thought it meant that the Lord would raise up the standard, but it’s saying the Spirit of the Lord (the Holy Spirit inside me) will raise up Jesus and the banner of His Righteousness and all Jesus paid for us to have, There is power in the Blood of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus will stop any hindering demonic spirits. In other words when I keep my focus my eyes fixed on Jesus and stand in His Righteousness, His Name, His Blood and all He already did for me. When I take the Word of God in my mouth and keep my focus on Jesus and His Word. Speaking the truth of the WORD over the lies, and the waves from the enemy, that Spoken Word of God is what will put the enemy to flight, one version says it will overwhelm the enemy! How awesome would that be? if we started overwhelming the enemy and make his waves crash down on himself, instead of him stealing the Word from us. Instead of us being overwhelmed by the waves. We speak “PEACE BE” and the waves get in line with the Word of God and all of a sudden there’s a great calm! The Power Of the Word of God comes to pass in our lives.

“Is not My word like fire [that consumes all that cannot endure the test]? says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks in pieces the rock [of most stubborn resistance]?”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭23:29‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

A lot of times we are waiting for God to do something for us, to fix the situation. But the truth is because satan is the “god of this world” unless God has a person of Faith, a person who takes God at His Word, God is limited to what He can do. Sure He’s God and He can do anything, but you’ll notice God never really did anything in the earth without having a physical body to work through. Healing won’t come without Faith, salvation won’t come without Faith, prosperity won’t come without Faith. God needs our Faith to work. Nothing gets done in this earth without me and you! KCM

Our crying and begging doesn’t move God, Our Faith in Him and His Word does. Yes satan maybe be the “god of this world” but Jesus came and gave us all power and authority over the enemy, satan is the killer, stealer and destroyer. Jesus gave us the authority, He gave us His Name, He already paid for us to have everything to give us a “good life” Life in abundance to the full til it overflows. If we’re not walking in that abundant life it’s not because of the enemy whom Jesus already defeated, it’s not God holding out on us. It’s because we have taken our focus off Jesus and we haven’t raised up the standard “the banner of Righteousness” the Flag of Jesus’Victory, pleaded the Blood Of Jesus over the waves.

 Where is your focus? Is it on the waves or is it on Jesus? What are you speaking? Are you using your authority?
Jesus never spoke the problem; He spoke the desired result. Charles Capps
Jesus didn’t live in reaction to the enemy; Jesus lived in response to the Father! Bill Johnson

Jesus gave us power and authority over all the power of the enemy. We are to lay hands on the sick and see them recover, drive out demonic spirits in that name, raise the dead. We are to do like Jesus did and go about all the earth doing good and speak peace to everyone who is oppressed by satan! We speak the Word of God and Peace comes to the nations! We speak the Name of Jesus and plead His Blood over any situation, we will see the spoken Word come to pass in our Lives. No power from hell can penetrate the Blood of Jesus! And when we take the Blood and the Name and raise it up, above any crashing wave, storm of life. We will overwhelm the enemy and put him to flight!

Matt 10:7-8 Mark 3:14-15 Mark 16:15-20 Luke 10:1,5,19 John 14:12 Acts 10:38


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