No toxic thoughts!

I have been doing a brain detox for the past 21 days. No thought in our minds should ever go unchecked. You see I was raised in an "if it be the will" type of church, then I went to Rhema Bible Training Center and basically everything I learned there, went against everything I had been taught as a kid. So I started this Faith journey only to continue to live my daily life in a continual state of defeat. I couldn't understand why, I mean I believed "life and death were in the power of the tongue" I watched my words. However my defeat was in my mind, I let the thoughts in my mind go unchecked constantly. #toxicthoughts
 I had the idea as long as I didn't speak the negative thought out loud, I would be okay. Not realizing that by not taking every thought captive into the obedience of Christ and His Word. I was allowing the enemy to have control of my thought life. I would dwell on his lies. Knowing full well, they weren't the truth of the Word and yet I would ponder them, I would let them race around in my mind over and over, not realizing I was causing damage to my brain. You see our thoughts are suppose to be our Father's thoughts, we read that verse in Isaiah 55 thinking it's supposed to be that way, but the truth is if you read the whole chapter we are suppose to line our thoughts with the Father's thoughts so we are on the same page with the Father saying and thinking only what He says and thinks about us! The truth is satan cannot do anything to us unless we tell him what to do, don't speak the lies in your mind that goes against the Word of God, as well as don't think thoughts that goes against the Word of God! Your mouth, heart and soul (mind, will, and emotions) have to stay in line with our Father and His Word. Phil 4:8 Finally whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is right, and confirmed by God's Word. Whatever is pure and wholesome. Whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is of good report, whatever is righteous and worthy of praise think continually on these things, center them in your mind and implant them on your heart.
Think and speak only these things! Our brains are brilliant and magnificent we are created in our Father's image and have the One who knows all things (Holy Spirit) living inside of us.  that's what the Word says and it's what the Father thinks and speaks over Us! Let's say and THINK what the Father's Word Says! Faith is simply taking God at His Word. If you want to know the Father's thoughts and what He says about us, we have read His Word and then we will know His Will is for Us. Take every thought captive bring it in line with the Word, Jesus and His finished work everything He paid for, for us! And Speak the Word only!


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