Recognize who Ur fighting

Copy and paste to watch this awesome teaching by Creflo Dollar.

I have watch this video way to many times to count. Many times with tears running down my cheeks.
The freedom I now have because I finally have revelation knowledge...
That my battle is not a flesh and blood battle, but it is a battle with an already defeated satan, who will try to steal, kill and destroy our lives if we allow him if we give him a foothold into our lives.
Strife in our lives in our homes opens the door wide for the enemy to come in and bring chaos in our lives. It is our responsibility not God's to recognize the enemy's influence and to stand up in our God given authority and resist him. To tell him and his demonic influences to go to hell. And not allow them in our lives on a daily basis.
As much as we think it's our co workers, our family members once you get revelation that it's the demonic influence to get you wrought up and in strife. You will begin to win every battle, once you fully understand that you have power over these influences you can bring peace to the situation. By staying out of strife. I wasted so many years losing ground in this area. I would react emotionally and get my feelings hurt and allow strife in. I would go to bed so defeated licking my wounds so to speak. Because I would allow the enemy to bring havoc into my home. Only to realize I had all power and authority to stop it. To stand my ground say no you don't satan you cannot come into my home. I stand in the authority given to me by Jesus and you have to flee. We have the power, we have the authority,we have the name of Jesus to bring Peace and stop the chaos.

It's time for the body of Christ to stand up against the already defeated enemy that Jesus stripped of all power to harm us. To stand up in Jesus finished work. Everything He died for us to have. To live life victorious everyday. To get to a place in our lives where we know who we are and all Jesus did for us. That satan and his influences pass our home our families by and say we're not going there cause they know who they are in Christ and we cannot even touch them!

Slay satan with the sword of the Spirit. Tell him "It is written" Speak the Word with Boldness, we should be terrorizing the enemy Jesus defeated and brought to nothing; everyday!


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