
Showing posts from July, 2017

Recognize who Ur fighting

Copy and paste to watch this awesome teaching by Creflo Dollar. I have watch this video way to many times to count. Many times with tears running down my cheeks. The freedom I now have because I finally have revelation knowledge... That my battle is not a flesh and blood battle, but it is a battle with an already defeated satan, who will try to steal, kill and destroy our lives if we allow him if we give him a foothold into our lives. Strife in our lives in our homes opens the door wide for the enemy to come in and bring chaos in our lives. It is our responsibility not God's to recognize the enemy's influence and to stand up in our God given authority and resist him. To tell him and his demonic influences to go to hell. And not allow them in our lives on a daily basis. As much as we think it's our co workers, our family members once you get revelation that it's the demonic influence to get you wrought up and in strife. You will begin...

Jesus has given us all power & authority....

Do we really know the power of our Words?  People truly believe that their words don't really mean anything, this is definitely a generation of sarcasm. Yet with our mouth we confess Jesus as Lord and our words, our mouth keeps us from a burning hell. Did you know that our sins don't send us to hell it's our failure to receive the payment, that Jesus paid for our sins. everyone's sins have been forgiven the price has been paid. However if we don't make that confession asking Jesus to be Lord of our life, hell is the consequence. In the Word there are so many times the people of God spoke what God told them to say and battles and victories were won. The battle of Jericho God gave instruction and actually told them not to say a word until He told them too, and that wall crumbled at the sound of words. Jehoshaphat put his worship team on the front lines of the battle after hearing instructions from God and Praise won that battle. Paul and Silas sang praise at the mid...