All His Promises are Yes and Amen!!!

I love the Word of God. His Word is full of Promises that are available to each one of us and our Families. John 10:10 says satan came to steal, kill and destroy and Jesus came that we might have and enjoy life in abundance to the full til it overflows. Jesus when He died on the cross just didn't forgive our sins, He was tortured and beaten. He carried every sickness and disease, He became poor so we could be abundantly supplied. He defeated satan and brought him to nothing. then sat down at the right hand of the Father to watch "the Church" His Body, be overcomers in this earth, most churches believe that the victory doesn't come until we go to heaven or until Jesus comes again. It's time for the church to rise up and take our place "In Christ" and make satan our footstool, put him once and for all, under our feet. It's time for the church to stop carrying everything Jesus died for us not to carry.

 How do we do this? It's by Speaking God's Word and His word only, The church should not talk sickness, lack, death and defeat. Most people believe we have to ask God to heal us. Jesus already healed us, but we have to confess and receive that healing. Or we believe we have to work hard to pay our bills, God never intended for the world to provide for His children. The Truth is we have to speak the Word, we have to confess and receive healing and prosperity, just like we have to confess and receive forgiveness of sins. How do we get into heaven? we speak and confess with our mouth, we believe in our heart and we are saved. but for some reason we stop there with our confession. I mean if we confess Jesus as our Lord and that confession keeps us out of hell. Why don't we think our words really don't matter. We say whatever we feel or whatever comes to mind. Then wonder why our lives are in such chaos. It's only by the grace of God, I realized that all these years in my life, I was my own chaos, it was the words I had spoken. Is why my life was where it was. I would wake up in the morning with my coffee and the Word, read the verses say yes I believe that. Then the rest of the day talk like a fool, I would confess pay check to paycheck living, then wonder why I always lived pay check to paycheck. I would talk debt and lack all day long throughout the day and that's exactly what we had. The key factor I was missing all these years, was my conversation all day long not just in the morning. Another thing that kept me in my chaos was strife, I would get annoyed, offended, all stir up with family members, co workers etc.and because I allowed strife in, feel annoyed, or get agitated with people. I opened the door wide for the enemy to come in and kept chaos in my life. Once I realized that it was enemy and his demonic influence trying to stir up strife in my life and that I had power and authority given to me by Jesus, to overcome all the power the enemy possesses and nothing shall by any means hurt me. My life began a drastic turn around. I started to have peace and freedom from all distress. I never had that before, it was Peace just like the Word talks about, That Peace Jesus died for me to have.

 My heart is so full I have so much stuff the Holy Spirit has taught me. I know Jesus wants us to have a peaceful, good life. Until we know and truly believe Life and Death are in the power of the tongue. We have what we say good or bad. that the words out of our own mouth can bring blessing or cursing. I mean why is it? When someone speaks and calls their car stupid, they curse their car all day long but then you hear someone call their car blessed. most people think well that's crazy talk. People truly don't believe the power of their words or I can guarantee they wouldn't say most of the stuff that comes out of their mouth.

 The Word is full of verse after verse that talks about our Words, it even goes as far as to say, Actually Jesus Himself said it, On the day of judgement we will be judged for EVERY inoperative, non-working word that we speak. Just think about that on the day of judgement, most people think Jesus will be tearing people down and pointing out their sins. The ironic part is if we searched the Word we would find all the times the religious people tried to get Jesus to stone the sinner, He never did. He always showed them love and mercy, He would healed them and sent them on their way. Jesus always went about doing good and in particular curing all who were harassed and oppressed by the power of the devil for God was with Him. Acts 10:38

 Maybe your reading this and might even be getting a little bit offended cause you don't believe what I am saying.All I can say is Peace be to You. You don't have to believe me keep saying whatever you want that's on you. All I know is when I get to heaven I want to be able to look at Jesus and say I walked in everything He died for me to have, if He suffered for me to have that abundant life, then I want it. Not to mention now that I have revelation knowledge of the power of my tongue, my Words are life and death blessing or cursing. I choose to speak life, speak positive. Build people up with my words and not tear them down. Speaking positive makes me feel peace and full of Joy inside. I want to say what Jesus says, to say what the Word says about my life and no to speak any inoperative non-working words.

 Proverbs 21: 23 He who guards his mouth and keeps his tongue keeps himself from trouble.

Change your words, you can change your life!


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