
Showing posts from June, 2017

All His Promises are Yes and Amen!!!

I love the Word of God. His Word is full of Promises that are available to each one of us and our Families. John 10:10 says satan came to steal, kill and destroy and Jesus came that we might have and enjoy life in abundance to the full til it overflows. Jesus when He died on the cross just didn't forgive our sins, He was tortured and beaten. He carried every sickness and disease, He became poor so we could be abundantly supplied. He defeated satan and brought him to nothing. then sat down at the right hand of the Father to watch "the Church" His Body, be overcomers in this earth, most churches believe that the victory doesn't come until we go to heaven or until Jesus comes again. It's time for the church to rise up and take our place "In Christ" and make satan our footstool, put him once and for all, under our feet. It's time for the church to stop carrying everything Jesus died for us not to carry.  How do we do this? It's by Speaking God'...