Step into Grace & receive the manifestation of God's Favor!
Prov 16:18, Luke 18:10-14, Prov 10:13, 2 Cor 12:7-9
For everyone who exalts himself puffed up with pride will be put to shame, but he who (Humbles) lowers himself in his own thinking and reasoning will be exalted. No one who believes in Him adheres to, relies on (God's Grace) will ever be put to shame or disappointed. Rom 10:11
The pride in me used to say I am a Faith Word talking person, so I used to think the word humble wasn't a faith word after all the Word say I am the righteousness of God in Christ, I'm seated in heavenly places, I don't come crawling on my hands and knees to my Father, I take the seat right next to Him. However there is a difference in taking the seat by Grace right beside Jesus., and saying I'm so unworthy, I'm going to lay at your feet in my lowly frame of mind. No just like we don't want our children laying on the ground like they don't deserve our Love. God doesn't want us doing that either, He wants us to come boldly to the throne of Grace and receive everything Jesus accomplished for us. But it's one thing to take that seat in our Self/pride way of thinking and a total difference in taking that seat, knowing in and of yourself, we didn't do anything to deserve it but just because of God's love for me I get to receive everything Jesus died for me to have.
Putting limits on God is when we in Pride try to figure out how God should do something, that's already done... to put limits on God we restrict/constrict Him, it slows down, holds back the natural course of...the Good Life He has planned for us! When we step into His grace take our Seat beside Jesus we humble (which is to destroy the flesh in us, we destroy our own thinking/reasoning in our mind, will and emotions) by humbling yourself we are making a choice not to worry over your family, job, money, etc we stop working in our own efforts, we stop toiling. we are choosing Grace instead of pride! Pride says "I have got this cause what You did Jesus wasn't enough", so in our own strength we speak the Word in fear, we anoint doors/house in fear and take communion saying I did all of these things, now I ask You to do something God, that His Word says is already done. That's Pride cause we think we did something. Pride keeps asking God to so something that is already done! Grace says "I receive your Grace by faith, this is what Your Word says on the matter". So now I rest beside you knowing it is already done. Thank you Jesus for all you accomplished for me. Grace is the manifestation of God's Favor on us...seen with the natural eye, public demonstration for all to see how Great is Our God! Reference Verse 1 Peter 5: 5-8
Pride keeps us running in circles. Its like a hamster wheel we keep running around and around. We get awesome revelation from the Word, so we get all excited saying this is it. We speak the Word the enemy knows if we speak the word, receive it and believe it we will have manifestation so he comes immediately to get us in doubt, he puts lies in our mind so we begin to reason, the pride in us brings confusion then we start to think opposite the Word, if we are mature in our Faith Walk the thoughts don't move us, we cast them down into the obedience of Christ. So another tactic the enemy uses is the pride in us that brings contention and strife so if he can get us out of love and keep us irritated,we step out of the Spirit Realm of Jesus'Victory and into his realm fighting a battle in our own strength. Graham Cooke stated that We choose to be offended, when we could have made a different choice. Other people aren't the reason for your irritation. The point of the irritation is in you and they have set it off, if it weren't for them it would be someone else, they didn't bring irritation to you and dump it on you irritation is already in you, they just brought it out of you. Thank you God that someone is bringing it out of you because when you recognize it, you can get rid if it. Awesome Revelation.
Being irritated and offended at people takes us out of our Love Walk, Love God's love in us, says Love takes no account of the wrong done to it., Offense is not a fruit of the spirit so by being offended you step into self which is a form of pride. Offense keeps us in pride cause we get into self pity letting our emotions rule. We start begging and crying. God they hurt me, why won't You do something, when His Word clearly states to cast all of your cares, your concerns on Him. By carrying our cares, hurt, offense we take on heavy loads God never intended for us to carrying. So pride once again says I have got this. Then we cry out to God why is it not working? That is when we start questioning God, complaining, when we complain it is like speaking evil in God's ears (Num 11:1) So we start questioning, doubting, complaining we are sinning because Jesus told us not to do it. So we repent for doubting God, then we get back into the Word and start the running in circles all over again, We think I need to get more verses, more anointing oil, more communion, these are all good things, if we are doing them to enjoy fellowship with Our Father, to lift Jesus up, cause we're Trusting Him that it is already done...but were doing them in fear trying to move God that is pride cause were in our own works! All the while God is saying to us My Grace is sufficient Jesus already did everything for you. God will not let anyone take credit for what Jesus did. So to keep us from being puffed up in pride saying look at what I did. He says you receive my Grace, sit here with Jesus, cast your cares on Him, saying here is what Your Word says, so because I trust You I step into Your Grace, I choose to take You at Your Word, and I take my hands off the care and now take my seat of Rest, Thanking You Jesus its already done.
In other words I take the care pass it to Jesus and We Fist Bump, Cause we know it is Done!
Pride is working for something that is already done!
Grace is resting knowing it is already done!
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