
Showing posts from February, 2014

Step into Grace & receive the manifestation of God's Favor!

Prov 16:18, Luke 18:10-14, Prov 10:13, 2 Cor 12:7-9 For everyone who exalts himself puffed up with pride will be put to shame, but he who (Humbles) lowers himself in his own thinking and reasoning will be exalted. No one who believes in Him adheres to, relies on (God's Grace) will ever be put to shame or disappointed. Rom 10:11 The pride in me used to say I am a Faith Word talking person, so I used to think the word humble wasn't a faith word after all the Word say I am the righteousness of God in Christ, I'm seated in heavenly places, I don't come crawling on my hands and knees to my Father, I take the seat right next to Him. However there is a difference in taking the seat by Grace right beside Jesus., and saying I'm so unworthy, I'm going to lay at your feet in my lowly frame of mind. No just like we don't want our children laying on the ground like they don't deserve our Love. God doesn't want us doing that either, He wants us to come boldl...