Cast Your Cares on Jesus! Let's have a Care Casting Party!

Thank you Jesus you freed me from myself. I have been Spirit Filled Born Again for over 25 years, raised in a Godly Christian home, watched satan come in and try to kill steal and destroy my family., went off to Bible School when I came home I got pregnant, married the father of my baby. Now that I had a child I wanted to raise him Godly cause it was my duty as a mother. However with that over the last 20 plus years I became a very religious Holier than thou person, and it wasn’t until 9 weeks ago today the Holy Spirit sent a consuming fire upon me and burnt off some spirits that was not pleasing to my Father, you see as a Religious person you for some reason don’t think you need God’s Grace, you get these ideas in your head that well, I read the Word, I don’t drink, smoke, You know all of those sins we see people do that you think, how dare they. Thank you Jesus for revelation knowledge. Not realizing that as much as I thought I wasn’t sinning the Holy Spirit showed me different! Back in March of this year I attended a church, the first week I was there the Pastor’s Wife prayed over me and said I see a rainbow of Gods Promises with a waterfall pouring over you. I got so excited thinking ok God this is where you have called us. Only God knows how much a rainbow means to me, whenever I see a rainbow it’s a reminding that all of Gods Promises are yes and amen. In Today’s society when your see a rainbow the enemy has stolen that sign and it get labeled with a lifestyle, I had someone very dear to me living that lifestyle, all the times I would preach to her it did nothing, I remember one day I hung up the phone from talking to her, the Jesus said to me I died for them just as much as I did for you, talk about knocking my religious butt on the floor. It was when I started praying God pour out Your love on them that I started to see change come. She is delivered and set free. So that prayer of a rainbow of God’s promises overwhelmed me with Joy. A few weeks later this same pastors wife prayed over me and said I see a mountain in your life that you have been trying to get to move and it isn’t going anywhere, I see this line from heaven God is saying I am throwing you a line, take it… and I will take you up over the Mountain and take you into your promise land with all My promises. At the time I remember thinking Faith People don’t climb up over mountains we speak to the mountain and they are moved and cast into the sea….“Oh Jesus” Thank You, for your grace, and mercy, when You try to help us and we ignore the signs. You are so good to us. So this brings me to my 9 weeks of freedom, you see I was trying to live a life of Faith, speaking to mountains, anointing the doors, taking authority of my environment, speaking the word. Yes these are all actions we do as faith people, but I was missing a Key factor. I was toiling, working in my own self efforts, pretty much you can say I was wearing myself out, I was in fear trying to get Jesus to do something that was already done. So 9 weeks ago I so was tired from all the toiling, I was offended at God and man, I was like God I have been faithful to you why won’t you do something to change the circumstances in my life. I know, I know, who did I think I was talking to God like that. So because I was offended I went to a Family Wiener Roast. To which instead of doing what I always do, going in and in complete fear I would speak the word over and over, and try to take authority over the environment in Jesus Name. you see if we speak the Word in fear or speak the Name of Jesus in fear it won’t work because without Faith it’s impossible to please God, that was the Key I was missing I was doing my self efforts in fear not faith. So because I was offended at God I went to the Wiener Roast and said forget it all my praying speaking the Word and standing isn’t working so I quit. I got completely drunk, I’m not even kidding I was wasted, I was singing Red Solo cup and so drunk I couldn’t stand up straight. As I was riding home that night I remember the window being rolled down and thinking I don’t have a care in the world, I didn’t care what anyone was doing. I was so relaxed. I am not saying that it was right what I did, God does not want us drunk, by wine but on the Holy Spirit He wants us high on Him, our complete satisfaction in Him. So the next day thank God for his grace and mercy, I didn’t even have a hangover, of course my actions the night before was a complete shock to my family, they didn’t know what to think. The next day I sat down with Jesus reading the Word I felt no condemnation, for the first time in my life I was free, Jesus said to me I give you My Peace it is not as the world gives, My Peace casting your Cares on Me can keep you in that relaxed feeling you had the other night. He said the reason why the world drinks, is because they don’t know My Peace. but here’s the thing I didn’t know Jesus Peace either, even though I did all the right things or so I thought, I was doing them in fear, I kept thinking I was the savior, if I don’t anoint the doors, speak the Word, take authority in Jesus name, that things wouldn’t happen. That was my sin, I would do those things but when I didn’t see results in the natural, I would think it didn’t work so I better do them again. I was wearing myself out speaking the Word. In Mark 11 Jesus only cursed the fig tree once and then walked away knowing it was done, He didn’t keep going back. My sin of unbelief/ worry was keeping me from the rainbow of God’s promises. At about the same time the Pastors wife prayed that line/harness God was dropping to me, I had been listening to a teaching on Casting our Cares on the Lord, from Jeremy Pearson, he said that when I carry the care of my marriage and my kids, worrying about them, my circumstance etc., I am saying to Jesus, I can do it better than you, so I will continue to toil working in my own self efforts, because what You Jesus already did was not enough. So I got this! If Jesus said to cast our cares on Him then I carry my cares that is disobedience, which is a sin. A sin no different than the world drinking away their problems. The ironic part is when I was listening to Jeremy’s teaching he said” Lets all just have a care casting party” to which I made up a song to the tune of RED SOLO CUP, singing let’s have a party a care casting party…Love the Holy Spirit! So the Line, Hoist, Harness My Father was dropping down to me was a swing, My Father was wanting me to come take my true place in Christ, He was saying You have spoken My Word I heard you the first time you said it, now come swing feel the cool breeze of My Glory, swing with Me, take your complete Rest in Jesus knowing you have casted your Cares, spoken my Word, now rest knowing its already done all of My Promises are yours, if you Trust me completely and do not fear. Jesus already accomplished it for you. Now Child Take your REST! Thank you Jesus for your grace your revelation and for always always always dropping us a line, Your Help, Your Word, Your Name, Your Peace, Your complete Rest in You. Your Peace only You can give, Peace and Freedom from all distress!


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