Cast Your Cares on Jesus! Let's have a Care Casting Party!
Thank you Jesus you freed me from myself. I have been Spirit Filled Born Again for over 25 years, raised in a Godly Christian home, watched satan come in and try to kill steal and destroy my family., went off to Bible School when I came home I got pregnant, married the father of my baby. Now that I had a child I wanted to raise him Godly cause it was my duty as a mother. However with that over the last 20 plus years I became a very religious Holier than thou person, and it wasn’t until 9 weeks ago today the Holy Spirit sent a consuming fire upon me and burnt off some spirits that was not pleasing to my Father, you see as a Religious person you for some reason don’t think you need God’s Grace, you get these ideas in your head that well, I read the Word, I don’t drink, smoke, You know all of those sins we see people do that you think, how dare they. Thank you Jesus for revelation knowledge. Not realizing that as much as I thought I wasn’t sinning the Holy Spirit showed me different! Ba...