It's Time to love the hell out of people!

I heard someone once say, It's time to love the hell out of people. This statement came to my Spirit the other day while reading a Smith Wigglesworth Book, Greater Things. Smith said "that anything that distracts us from our Position in Christ is the Kingdom of Heaven suffering violence. "Disease or weakness or any other distraction in you,is the power of violence that can take the Kingdom of Heaven in you, by force. For instance a pain in your leg,back or/even (debt and lack) can take your mind 100 times a day off the highest enthroned position, where we are to be seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. anything that moves us from that attitude of worship, peace, joy, where you have a consciousness of the presence of God, anything that dethrones us from that position is evil, it's satan." "It's time for us to love the hell out of people" meaning not to point out wrong doings,or to find fault. but for us to rise up in our authority and position in Jesus, to fully understand that we have been given ALL power over satan, to ask the Holy Spirit for a boldness to come upon us that, whenever we see any suffering/distress in this world, we allow the Kingdom of God to rise up on the inside of us and destroy the works of satan in people's lives, to know that according to John 10:10 satan is the one that steals,kills and destroys. That Jesus told us in Luke 10:19 that He has given US all power and authority over all the power of the enemy and He already conquered sickness, lack and gave us Peace freedom from all distress and distractions, so therefore we can send any distress or distractions to hell where it belongs. Let's triumph over the already defeated satan by the power of the Blood and the Word of our testimony! Doing the greater works Jesus has called us too John 14:12! Also by instead of complaining, talking negative about those distractions, to say out loud to satan how dare you touch a child of the Most High God, now you take this_____________fill in the blank with whatever it is that takes your mind off your position in Christ and send it to Hell where it belongs."Don't allow the suggestions of satan dethrone us of our better knowledge of the power of God inside us!" Smith Wigglesworth Jesus said upon this Rock I will build my church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. Matt 16:18 and goes on to say He has given us the keys to Kingdom of Heaven and whatever we bind declare improper on earth must be what is already bound in heaven. Notice 2 things, first He didnt say whatever you tell Me to bind, No He said whatever you bind shall be bound. and the second thing is whatever is taking place in your life now, ask yourself, would this be taking place in heaven? if the answer is No, then use the authority Jesus died for you to have and send it to hell where it belongs. One last thing dont beg or keep praying and asking God to do something Jesus already accomplished for us on the cross, the Word says that He Himself took, in order to carry away, our weakness,infirmities and bore away our dieases.Matt 8:17 Let's Stand up in His Victory, Take our Position! Believe that you receive and you shall have it. Faith is simply taking God at His Word! It is truly time for us to love the hell out of people!


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