It's Time to love the hell out of people!
I heard someone once say, It's time to love the hell out of people. This statement came to my Spirit the other day while reading a Smith Wigglesworth Book, Greater Things. Smith said "that anything that distracts us from our Position in Christ is the Kingdom of Heaven suffering violence. "Disease or weakness or any other distraction in you,is the power of violence that can take the Kingdom of Heaven in you, by force. For instance a pain in your leg,back or/even (debt and lack) can take your mind 100 times a day off the highest enthroned position, where we are to be seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. anything that moves us from that attitude of worship, peace, joy, where you have a consciousness of the presence of God, anything that dethrones us from that position is evil, it's satan." "It's time for us to love the hell out of people" meaning not to point out wrong doings,or to find fault. but for us to rise up in our authority and positi...