Speak the Word over your Kids...
As Parents God has given us the priviledge to speak His Word over our Children...It shouldnt ever be a burden or oh dear I have to speak the Word over my teens, It should always be more like a Joy, what an Honor to Know my Awesome Heavenly Father has given me His Word to Speak Life and The Blessing over them everyday...So they will live the Good Life He has already prearranged for them.
Isaiah 54 says And all your children shall be disciples [taught by the Lord and obedient to His will], and great shall be the peace and undisturbed composure of your children.
But no weapon that is formed against Our Children shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against them in judgment they shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.
John 10:28-29
28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never lose it or perish throughout the ages. [To all eternity they shall never by any means be destroyed.] And no one is able to snatch them out of My hand.
29 My Father, Who has given them to Me, is greater and mightier than all [else]; and no one is able to snatch [them] out of the Father’s hand.
Phil 1:6 says That Our God began a good work in our Kids and He will be faithful to complete it.
The awesome thing about the Word is its never to late to start, Gods Word will not return void. The Word of God is powerful penetrating the very depths of the soul.The Holy Spirit is waiting on us to Speak God's Word so He can penetrate their very being. The problem is as parents is its easier for us to speak over them what they doing instead of seeing them in light of what the Word says about them. It doesnt matter the age dont label them, oh its just the terrible twos or OMG their teenagers! Start now calling them what you want them to be not what they doing or how they are acting...
Call those things which be not as though the were...Romans 4:17 God in the beginning didnt look at the darkness and say I dont know Jesus what are we going to do about this darkness, No He didnt speak the problem He just saw it was Dark and Said LIGHT BE. and It was...
Jesus has given us all power over demons and has already defeated satan so that as parents we can stand everyday in Victory. so stand up in your God Given authority...if your see a negative spirit such as a bratty terrible two yr old, or a disrepectful, selfish spirit take authority over it, Say something like ok you spirit of selfishness I reconize you and in Jesus Name I cease and desist you in your maneuvers over my kids. I bind you and tell you in the name of Jesus you have to flee. then say my kids are full of Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness and Goodness. Trust me it works I have seen it a negative spirit trys to come in so I call in peace in my home and I watch the atmosphere change. Praise God!
I will give you an example of calling those things that be not as though they were...I knew someone who was living a lesbian lifestyle I was praying for her, however whenever someone would call her a lesbian in front of me I would get irritated cause I knew inside that is not who she really was, yes in the natural she looked like she was but that was not the truth of the Word of God about her so I began to speak the Word over her saying who She was in Christ. I would say A virtuous and worthy wife [earnest and strong in character] is a crowning joy to her husband Proverbs 12:4 and you know years later she read me that very same proverb and said this verse is going to be in my marriage vows. How cool it that the Word of God I spoke over her all those times one day she will speak to her husband the perfect Godly Man. The Freedom she now has in Christ it amazes me...That is the power of Gods Spoken Word changing things!!!
So what Im saying is dont call your kids a brat, punk, typical teen, sassy etc anything you dont want them to be instead Call Them what you want to be Who you want them to Become in Christ!
Count it ALL JOY THAT GOD HAS GIVEN YOU CHILDREN YOU GET TO SPEAK THE WORD OVER. Train them in the way they should go and THEY WILL NOT DEPART FROM IT...Teach them to Speak the Word!!!
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