Pray in the Spirit...
So lately I have been praying for wisdom on some things, everytime I say Lord Give me Wisdom, in my Spirit He would say Pray in Tongues, so I would for a minute then go about my daily life. In otherwords I wasnt really getting what He was saying to me. I knew what the Spirit was telling me, I just wasnt being obedient, So then He used my 20mth old Niece to speak to me, She is just learning to talk she calls my daughter Kate,"Kete" is actually a word I use in my prayer language quite often. I smiled at the Holy Spirit how He works...You see sometimes when I pray in the Spirit if it a word I keep repeating I will look it up in the Hebrew and Greek It amazes me how the word I prayed, goes right along with the situation I am praying about.
Have you ever noticed youll have a good time praying about a situation, you pray and feel like you have Victory in the area then as the day goes on the situation seems like all hell breaks loose... I remember a few years back my Cousin's youngest Son said to her Mommy do you know when I pray in tongues the devil doesnt know what I saying.Well today the Spirit said to me, When you pray the problem with your natural words satan knows exactly how to attack you, i mean seriously if you wanted to plan an attack on your enemy would you go up in his camp and tell him how you planned to attack him. of course not! you would not breathe a word of the surprise attack to him, so you could catch him off guard.
So when you have a situation you want to see Victory in and it seems like nothing is working Pray in Tongues that way you get all of Heaven involved they can start working on the situation and satan wont have a clue what hit him.
Also I have been reading a Charles Capps book, The Tongue a Creative Force...He was saying when you pray to God saying I dont know Lord it doesnt seem to be working. your praying unbelief, your putting your faith in unbelief not in God's Word. Jesus is the High Priest of our Confession, the Verse in Matthew that says Jesus will deny you before our Father, what it is saying is When we read in God's Word my God shall supply my every need, then we turn around and say I dont know how I am going to pay that bill. Jesus wont go to the Father and deny God's Word by saying to the Father Jody doesnt know how she is going to pay that bill. To deny means to state that (something declared or believed to be true) is not true. Jesus isnt going to speak anything to His Father that goes against His Word. So we need to choose our Words wisely especially in Prayer, Dont ever say words that line up with what satan is saying, cause if you do your in agreement with satan Not God. God's Word is always the Truth. His Word doesnt not prove false or deceive us. So when we Pray...Pray SPEAK God's Word What does God say about your situation, So that way your speaking what Your Father says, then Jesus will take your Words (God's Word) and say them to Our Father He will say Jody is saying what You say about this, and So therefore According to Your Word and Your Promise to Her BE IT UNTO HER! Then the Word you have spoken will come to pass. and satan wont be able to do anything about it...Speak God's Word Only!!! Say what your Father Says...the only way to pray is to Pray God's word about the problem you dont have to pray the problem God already knows, so all we have to do is speak God's Word on the Matter, then Pray in the Spirit so your enemy doesnt know what your saying!!!
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