
Showing posts from January, 2013

Pray in the Spirit...

So lately I have been praying for wisdom on some things, everytime I say Lord Give me Wisdom, in my Spirit He would say Pray in Tongues, so I would for a minute then go about my daily life. In otherwords I wasnt really getting what He was saying to me. I knew what the Spirit was telling me, I just wasnt being obedient, So then He used my 20mth old Niece to speak to me, She is just learning to talk she calls my daughter Kate,"Kete" is  actually a word I use in my prayer language quite often. I smiled at the Holy Spirit how He works...You see sometimes when I pray in the Spirit if it a word I keep repeating I will look it up in the Hebrew and Greek It amazes me how the word I prayed, goes right along with the situation I am praying about. Have you ever noticed youll have a good time praying about a situation, you pray and feel like you have Victory in the area then as the day goes on the situation seems like all hell breaks loose... I remember a few years back my Cousin's...