Keep His Commandments...

When you hear the phrase Keep His Commandments what are your first thoughts, Well if your like me being raised in church, and a Godly Christian home you probably think obeying the laws, 10 commandments, being obedient to the Word, doing your best to obey God. The problem with this thinking is we so easily get into self righteousness, look at me I dont do this sin or that sin. (keep in mind my past post, I what I believe sin really is, Unbelief) By getting into our self righteousness we belittle what Jesus did for us. our true righteousness is standing our position in Jesus and all He accomplished for us, knowing He already carried our sickness, our poverty, our weakness, and He was chastised/beaten for our Peace, Jesus' Peace is freedom from all therefore my confessing Jesus as my Lord I can have everything He purchased for me on the Cross, and then stand in His Victory, His Power to overcome every circumstance in my life. So what does it mean to Keep His Commandments... Keep means to remain in, to maintain ones position. Our position is to stand in Jesus' Victory, to resist and keep satan under our feet where he belongs. Jesus gave us His Name and His authority. His Victory to overcome every situation in our lives. Commandment means a command or mandate, and mandate means authorization to act in a particular way given by the electorate to it's representative. so God's mandate to us is to take the authority given to us by Jesus and walk this earth as His representative, doing the greater Works that He called us to do. I will be the first to admit I have not been keeping His commandment, Thank God for revelation. for revealing this keeping His Commandment revelation to me. From this day forward I am praying according to Phil 3:8-10 for it my determined purpose to Know Him and the Power out flowing from His Resurrection. Eph 1:17-20 to know what He has called and created me for. That John 14:12-15 if I truly love Him I will keep His commandments and In HIS NAME I will do the Greater Works He has called me too. Mark 16:16-18, Luke 10:19, Matt 10:1, Heb 2:8, Matt 16:18, John 14:12-15


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