I have been reading Charles Capps little book, God's Creative Power. it is a mini book but WOW. it is Awesome!!! He said Jesus told him "I have told my people they can have what they say, and they are saying what they have" it is My greatest desire the My people create a better life by the spoken Word. When you study the life of Jesus you ind several important facts the caused Him to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil... 1.He spent much time in prayer, but He never PRAYED the PROBLEM, He prayed the ANSWER. What God's Word says is the ANSWER. 2.He spoke accurately, never crooked speech. His conversation always consisted of what God said. 3.He always spoke the end results, not the problem. Never did He confess present circumstances. He spoke the Desired results. 4.He used the written Word to defeat satan. When the Word says you can have what you say,that is exactly what it means. I have been asking Holy Spirit to reveal to me what I have been speaking, I have been making every effort to listen to every word I speak. Thank You Jesus for grace, that when I say something wrong and reconize it I can quickly repent. and call those spoken words null and void. or example when I read in his Word All my debt is cancelled God says so. then turn around and start saying we cant afford that, or we will have to wait till payday. allowing satan to take over in my thought life and then I speak out what he is saying, which is always opposite of what God is saying to me. "the enemy has so programmed the minds of people until instead of resistin him, they have sort of buddied up him him and begun to talk his language" Charles Capps That is the last thing I want to do is buddied up with satan and say what he says. So if the Word says My debt is cancelled God Says So, I am the healed God Says so, My family is one nation we speak the same language never again to be divided God says so, My children remember their creator and they say of worldly pleasures we have no enjoyment in them, God says so. My husband and I are One flesh God says so, God is for my family who dare come against us God says so, He began a good work He will complete it, God says so. My family is build on the rock and the gates of hell cannot prevail against us, God says so. God has a prearranged the good life for me, God says so. the question is who do we really believe? God or satan? Dont speak the problem SPEAK GOD"S WORD!!! Faith is simply taking God at His Word! Tis so sweeet to trust is Jesus just to take Him at his word just to rest upon the promise just to know thus saith the Lord...


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