I will sing unto the Lord for He has TRIUMPHED Gloriously!
Whose report shall you believe?! Did God really say?! What then does the scriptures say?! Do not Fear! Do Not Be discouraged Lord Yahweh is the ONE True Living God. There is NO GOD besides HIM! Now is not the time to retreat, for the Battle Belongs to the Lord! We will see Victory! Read Exodus 1-15 how many times did it look like Pharaoh was going to release the Israelites, yet over and over again, Pharaoh continued to hold them captive. BUT GOD had His Red Sea Moment already in place. Our Father God will not fail us. He will not allow the injustice in the earth to continue!! This morning time stamp was 3:13 which Holy Spirit led me to Isaiah 31:3. Woah!! Woah!! Woah!! Trust the Holy One of Israel 1 Woe to those who run down to Egypt for help, trusting in the might of their multitude of cavalry, chariots, and riders. Their confident trust is not in the Holy One of Israel, nor do they consult with Yahweh . 2 Yet he is wiser than all of them! He c...