
Showing posts from April, 2024

People get Ready; Jesus is coming to set up His Kingdom Reign!

Let's read chapter 2 of 2 Thessalonians…The Bible is full of scripture that brings revelation the Lord God is going to judge the wicked and He will remove Wickedness in a Day…unlike what most people believe because of a False Narrative taught by mankind, believing Man’s Opinion over the Truth of the Word of God…In Psalm 24 and Psalm 50 clearly states the Earth and everything in it; belong to the Father God, Creator of all things; and He will NOT be handing His Creation over to the Ole Deluder satan the one and only antichrist; deceiving mankind into doing his work, raising up more antichrist spirits, just like Pharaoh, Herod, and Judas’s of this generation.  BE READY… King Jesus is coming but not to “rapture” His Church up; by taking us up out of earth into Heaven. BUT HE IS COMING, He will “catch us up” in the Clouds, along with His Resurrected Saints… So together we can set UP HIS KINGDOM REIGN ON Earth as it is in Heaven!!  “It was of these people, moreover, that Enoch in t...