
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Heart of the Father for King-Doll Triumphant Church Ministry.

 The Body of Christ...Spiritually Mature, 100 Fold Christainity, Triumphant church, teaches that at the very moment we confess Jesus as Lord, We receive the whole redemption, salvation package everything Jesus went to hell for us to live life everyday in constant victory is Yours Now Already Faith. We don't call our fellow believers failures, we don't point out their faults, we are not fault finders we are Righteousness Revealers. Judge- to give opinion of, to Judge Righteously is to see them how the Father sees them. Unrighteous judgment is to bring condemnation, express disapproval Conviction-the quailty of showing that one is firmly convinced of what one believes or says It is an unhappy fact that the church as a whole have preached sin consciousness instead of righteousness consciousness. Instead of teaching New Creation old things have passed away; Behold all things have become new. The Past remembered no more, the church taught condemnation, they expressed disappr...

JESUS SAID...The "EYE" is the lamp of the whole Body

So I am going to share, why I am so passionate for Essential Oils.  I started my journey back in November 2018 with Young Living. Gary Young was paralyzed from a logging accident, and by drinking only lemon water he began to receive feeling back in his toes, and he made a promise to God that if He would give him, his legs back, He would share the discovery of Essential Oils with the world. God gave Gary the dream of the health benefits of EO.  and because I have a love for the Word of God and Oils are mentioned all throughout the Bible. I truly believe that God created natural resources for our health and well-being, that God the Father of all creation knew our Bodies better than anyone and He created our bodies to heal itself. Our Father is very detailed, in the Old Testament He instructed the Priests how to mix the oils and use them for plagues etc. EO are God's idea He created them to support our Body, keeping is in Divine Health. Before your religious spirit says...