If we are His Body...
This song hitting close to home today... But if we are the Body.. Why aren't His arms reaching? Why aren't His hands healing? Why aren't His words teaching? And if we are the body Why aren't His feet going? Why is His love not showing them there is a way? Jesus paid much too high a price For us to pick and choose who should come... Jesus is the way- Casting Crowns So tired of reading the Word and not doing what it says...The truth is Jesus already did His part; He is the Head of the Church, the Church is the Body. And the Head cannot do anything if the Body doesn’t cooperate with Heaven to bring His Kingdom come; His will be done on this earth. John 10:10 satan came to steal, kill and destroy, Jesus came with we have life in abundance to the full till it it overflows . It’s like we keep begging God to do something and He’s like why isn’t My Body doing anything. All of creation is waiting on the manifestation of the Sons of God, the Body of Christ!...