Peace Be unto You!
We shall speak the Word and Peace will come to the Nations Zechariah 9:10. Glory to God and Peace on Earth Goodwill to all Men. Luke 2:14 Whatever house we enter first say Peace Be to this Household, Freedom from all distresses... Peace Be Peace Shalom! Peace Be to this house! it includes the idea of being protected, safe, calm, to be at rest, prosperity, every bill paid, perfect health, nothing missing nothing broken, to be well with, to be well off, to be well with your Soul your House, your Marriage, your Kids, your business, your Bills, to have abundance. Ahhh! Peace Be! Heaven on earth! Garden of Eden Life! This is the kind of Peace Jesus died for Us to have, Freedom from all distress. This belongs to Us. We have to recognize that when Our lives are anything but this kind of Peace, that any chaos or distress that isn't lining up with this Peace Jesus gave us. That we have a blood bought right to rise up in our Faith in Christ and His finished work and Speak this Peace in...