
Showing posts from May, 2013

Faith is simply taking God at His Word!

All the Promises of God are Yes and Amen! Tis so Sweet to trust in Jesus just to take Him at His Word, Just to rest upon His Promise Just to know Thus Saith the Lord... John 14:12,John 16:7-15,Eph 2, John 10:10,28-29 Luke 10:19, Luke 10:1, Eph 3:16-20, Rom 8:14-23,31 Rom 10:6-12 Deut 23:14, Deut 28:1-14, 1Cor 15:56-58, Deut 30:1-20, Neh 5, Ps 8, Ps 82:1-6 Psalm 91, 2Cor 2:11,14, Prov 10:22,Ecc 12:1,13, Isaiah 54:13-17, 2 Cor 5:15,6:2-3, Isaiah 58:11-12, Isaiah 61:1-11, Isaiah 12, Isaiah 42:1-10, Eze 34, Eze 37:22-28, Matt 19:6, John 17,Matt 8:17,Matt 16:18, Gen 1:26-28,Mark 16:16-20, Heb 10, 2 Pet 1:1-11, 1 John 4:13, 1John 5:3-5 Be it unto us According to Your Word!!!