
Here comes Apocalypse=Truth to disclose to reveal

  Hear ye Hear Ye… Here comes My Spirit of Truth, which will guide you into all truth, and disclose to you what is to come into the future.  My anointed One, Trump has led you to this moment in History, But I the Lord God Yahweh will bring full exposure for there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed and brought into the Light.  For we have come to My Harvest Season for all the good and evil seed sown and all the weapons they used against MY CREATION shall become sickles in the the hands of MY Angel Reapers for I the Lord God has seen all and will expose all.  My Revelation horses have patrolled My Creation and once the Harvest comes; the Nations will know and understand the judgement, I the Lord God brought forth for all their heinous crimes against MY Creation, that I the Lord God created for MY pleasure.  So Be Ready, Do not Fear for all who put their Trust in ME shall not give way to sudden panic, and shall not be frightened or intimidated for this sh...

Rightly Dividing the Book of Revelation, The Word of God!

 Only by Divine Inspiration from the Holy Spirit can we rightly divide the Word of God- Rightly diving the Word. I have been asking the Father questions regarding the Book of Revelations, so many have read this book as the “end times” false narrative that has been taught in churches for several years.  Could it be that it has not been rightly divided and therefore has “shipwrecked the Faith” causing so many questions, confusing and chaos because the ole Deluder satan pushing his twisted lies and false narrative to bring offense and division in the Church.  Just like in Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel to mention a few some of their prophecies have been fulfilled and some are yet to be fulfilled.  So what I am about to say is revelation the Father has given me and I encourage you to get into the Word and ask Him to bring you a greater understanding and revelation as well. For is what you know; revelation the Holy Spirit has brought you or is what you know something a man has t...

Eagerly waiting the Resurrection! No longer shipwrecked!!

 Oh how I love our Father the Creator of Heaven and Earth. He wrote out our Scrolls; our Destiny before the Foundations of the world. A couple of worship songs; I have on repeat these days; “Oil and Offering”…Your the Creator, so I know it will be good, Your the Author so my future is assured. …Make my life to look just like Your Heart!  You’re my Father and I was made to look like YOU! I wanted to be Holy, like YOU are.  The other is “Christ be all around me”…above and below, before and behind. In Every eye that sees me, Christ be all around me.  Scriptures I have been praying over me and my Family. Colossians 3:12-17 Let the peace of Christ the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him. Let that Peace be the controlling factor in my heart, for this is the Peace to which we were called…Let His spoken Word have its home within you, dwelling in your heart and mind, permeating every aspect of your being. Whatever (no matter what it is) I do in word or deed do everythi...

Everything you see is so Intentional-The Greatest Show on Earth

 As I listened to worship while watching Our Commander in Chief take His rightful position, the song seems most encouraging on this Day of Inauguration of Donald J Trump, "You Reign above it All". King Jesus reigns and His Name will be Glorified and Father God will be known as the One True Living God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.  He instructed me to go back and reread the Word" He has given me over the past few years.       Here is a Word the Lord God gave me back in November 2021… The Father woke me up saying; “Come sit with Me” Glory to God in the Highest and Peace on Earth goodwill to all mankind. “Do not be afraid, Fear Not at the Fire in the sky for you are the apple of My eye. As I the Lord God lives in Truth, in Justice and in Righteousness. the Nations will bless themselves in Me and in Me they will see My Glory, all will know the Full Story; all the lies, all the evil and every law and false mandate; I the Lord God shall overturn. For I the Lord G...